My Account

Kindly check your mobile phone for the activation code SMS.

If you didn’t receive it, kindly login to your account, go to My Profile. You will see an option for resending the code to your mobile phone.

  1. Kindly visit our web page
  2. Login to your account.
  3. Go to the user menu page.
  4.  Click on Edit Profile button.
  5.  Click on Change Password Button 
  6. Enter your current password, and the enter and confirm the new one.
  7.  Click the Change Password button.

After login, in the user menu, click Edit Profile

my profile

Click on Change Password

edit profile

Complete the three field and your are done!

change password gsb

In roder to recover your password follow these steps:

Click on Login

login form

Click on Forgot Password? link

password recovery GSB Zambia

Insert the five digits code that was sent to your phone and insert a new password

reset GSB Zambia password

Confirm it and Save!